Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I am full of Sh!t

Warning: This is a TMI post.
Turn away now if discussions of bodily functions make you a bit squeamish, or you just don't want to know. ;-)

I am currently recovering from the Stomach Flu. It set in early evening on Sunday and by Sunday night, I was full on Puking up my Guts. Not a casual "oh my, I think I may vomit" sort of way, but a deep, wrenching - "god just take me now" can't stop the dry heaves sort of way.

After 14 hours of that, I can guarantee that there was NOTHING in my stomach or above...

After that, we proceeded to a goodly bit of messy diarrhea. It was NOT the worst that I have had , but it was a solid 3 hours of emptying of the intestines.

And yet, as things settled down, and I managed to keep down some ice chips and 6 saltines, I had yet another Bowel Movement. Of Normal Size.

Now where the frack did that come from?? Side effect of stretchy collagen ( which means stretchy GI track) Apparently I AM actually full of shit on a regular basis, without even knowing....

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